Ashley Furniture

Ashley Furniture

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

History of furniture

The history of furniture starts with the changing habits of human beings to transform sedentary nomadic hunter to farmer. Evidence of furniture from antiquity that have survived are in murals and bas-reliefs of ancient Egypt in the third millennium BC. Recovered from ancient Egyptian furniture is a bed discovered in a tomb Tarjan, a set of movable property in the tomb of Queen Hetepheres, ca. 2600 a. C., or a bench of ca. 1550 a. C., at Thebes. The tomb of Tutankhamun, ca. 1325 a. C., containing a multitude of household goods including furniture were some tolerably preserved. The oldest carpet has endured, the Pazyryk rug, was found frozen in a tomb in Siberia and has been dated between centuries

Western History

The Romans possessed furniture made, beautiful in great abundance. In 1738 and 1748 excavations of Herculaneum and Pompeii, some objects were preserved Roman furniture from the ashes of the eruption of Vesuvius red wooden beds, inlaid with silver simple construction and very light, different seats as bisellium for two people and seals for one. These seats were often in bronze and lacked support which made them uncomfortable. In ordinary life they used wooden chairs light and comfortable in front of which stood the scabellum or stool. There was great variety of tables, tripods often used as braziers and, above all, an immense amount of chandeliers and lamps as well as wooden chests with metal ornaments, banks, cars, etc.. With the triumph of Christianity and the invasion of the barbarians, expatriated artists of Rome and recovered very important antique furniture, especially in the Eastern Empire, that is, between bizantinos.

Italian Chest

During the Middle Ages the arts, industry and commerce acquired a hitherto unknown splendor and next to the artists who followed the traditions of the monasteries there were other architects in correspondence with the laity. Then, go back the wonderful woodwork and sculpture in wood: chests, cupboards, chests, benches decorated with paintings or carvings, all very portable and purpose to be transportable in cars or on mules when the owner changed his residence. The beds and banks were adorned with cushions. They were very notable choir stalls and chairs Chapter. Already in the fourteenth century furniture is distinguished by its luxury and see caskets adorned with hardware or guadameciles lined chairs, copper or wood, bags, baskets, trunks, large closets and spacious beds, dressers, etc.1

In France, created during the Renaissance and several schools were:

The Normandy and Brittany whose carpenters were universally held by the construction of beautiful wooden boxes. Carved pulpits, stools, benches, dressers, tables cypress lace panels, seats, oak chests, beds, etc.
The Picardy and Champagne, including a taste for flamenco.
The Touraine and Isle of France, trends and tastes eclectic monumental.
Of Burgundy, who resisted the Italian influence to preserve the traditional taste. Carvers were admirable and distinguished by the richness of the decor and the power of execution.
The Lyon, remarkable for exquisite and creative work of the chair called confidante.
The of the South, working in the construction of architectural cabinets.
The Auvergne, whose artists were better artists and sculptors who created the high-backed chairs.
The Toulouse, outstanding furniture religioso.

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